Condominium Law
The Law Offices of James P. Lucking assists residential and commercial condominium developers, associations, unit owners, and property managers through the complex Massachusetts condominium laws.
The firm assists condominium clients with:
Condominium formation and conversion
Condominium documents, rules, regulations, and amendments
Unpaid common area fees, fine enforcement, and condominium lien proceedings
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac lending regulation compliance and attorney opinion letters
Management, vendor, and third party contracts
Representation of trustees, associations, and unit owners in fiduciary claims and litigation
Construction defect claims and litigation
Building/Sanitary Code issues, zoning relief, and permitting
If you are in need of legal counsel in connection with your condominium or condominium association, contact us today. The firm will work hard to resolve any issues in a comprehensive, cost-effective manner.